Surgical Anesthesia
Surgical Anesthesia
Pics 60
Runtime 31min
This Chlorosthesia custom film was inspired by the anesthesia scene in the 1991 film “Body Parts”. In this scene Alice is very focused on something unknown that is going on in the operation room next to her. Her eyes watch in amazement as the black beauty comes down catching her off guard. She seems to not care as she struggles to move her head toward the unknown focusing all of her attention on the events. The ventilator puffs as the gas flushes through the black hoses. Alice fights to keep her eyes open so she will not miss anything that happens next to her. But the surgeon dials up the sedative and Alice’s eyes fall fast putting her under and ready for the unknown.
This film is shot from many different angles mixing sounds, music, cut shots, and colors to bring you a very one of a kind film. A must for our fans!