the surgical exp Pthe surgical exp P

The Surgical Experiment


The Surgical Experiment
Pics 81
Runtime 21min

Jane is in the OR for this new 911BioMed custom film. She has her abdomen examined by the doctor and an ultra sound done. The doctor checks her BP and performs an injection followed by anesthesia sending Jane into arrest. The doctor quickly resuscitates her and readys the IVs with the experimental fluids. The fluids are opened and the run through the lines into Jane. Another abdomen exam is performed but Jane seizes up and arrests again. The doctor tries to get a rhythm back but needs to proceed with her work. She gets the thumper on her and the automatic AED hoping it will help. We flash forward to the post op and the police enter the operating room. They get Jane unhooked from the equipment and manual resuscitation begins again to try and regain a pulse her.

The Surgical Experiment

the surgical exp trailer from john doe on Vimeo.

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